Byz-Niz (Vol. 9, issue 1)

Symposia, Conferences

The 36th S.P.B.S. Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, ‘Was Byzantium Orthodox?’

Durham, 23-25 March 2002

The subject is to be ‘Was Byzantium Orthodox?’ and will explore why the Byzantine Empire set such store by Orthodoxy, how this was defined, by whom, how it was expressed, both in terms of doctrine, and in terms of liturgy and art, and the implications of this concern/process for those who lived in Byzantine society and those whom the Byzantines encountered.

Three areas in particular will be explored: ‘Orthodoxy as Imperial Policy’, ‘Orthodoxy and the Other’, and ‘Orthodoxy in Liturgy and Art’. The complete programme has yet to be finalized, and the Symposiarch, Prof Andrew Louth (, or at the Department of Theology, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RS), welcomes suggestions both for lectures and communications.

The Seventh Annual UCLA Graduate Late Antiquity Conference

Los Angeles, 6 April 2002

This conference is intended to bring together scholars of diverse interests to present and discuss a range of issues surrounding the transformation of the Classical world into the Latin Medieval West, Byzantium and the Islamic world. The conference serves as a wonderful opportunity to gain feedback from peers in a wide variety of fields. Additionally, it is our hope that the conference will provide the chance for graduate students to gain experience presenting professional papers.

Presenters are invited to expand upon the notion of “Late Antique.” Students of Archaeology, Art History, Classics, History, Near Eastern Studies, Religious Studies and related fields are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts.

E-mail: (Scott McDonough)

Mail Address:
Seventh Annual Graduate Late Antiquity Conference
c/o The UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Box 951485
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1485


Realities in the Arts of the Medieval Mediterranean, 800-1500

Dumbarton Oaks, 26-28 April 2002

The Early Christian Book

Washington D.C., 6-9 June 2002

The Catholic University of America, presented by the Center for the Study of Early Christianity.

Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church

Melbourne, Australia, 10th -13th July 2002

A conference exploring the development of christianity in the ancient world presented by the Centre for Early Christian Studies, Australian Catholic University, St. Patrick’s Campus, Melbourne, Australia

Follow the links through “Conferences” and then click on the icon for “Liturgy and Life”. Access to registration forms and all other information concerning the conference can be found there.

Prayer and Spirituality Conference Convenor
c/o Centre for Early Christian Studies
Australian Catholic University, St. Patrick’s Campus
Locked Bag 4115,
Fitzroy 3065, Victoria

Telephone: + 61 3 9953 3141; Fax: + 61 3 9953 3765

Medicine and inter-cultural exchanges: Byzantium, the Arabic World, the Ottoman Empire

Istanbul, Turkey, 1 – 6 September 2002

Congress of the International Society for the History of Medicine. Its main topics will be, among others, “Medieval medicine”, “Medicine in the Near East through history” and “The relation between Turkish medicine and the medicine of Eastern and Western Worlds”.


2006: International Congress of Byzantine Studies

Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (U.K.):

The 2006 International Congress of Byzantine Studies will be held in the United Kingdom. Preparations are already underway. The organisation of the Congress will be coordinated by Professor Anthony Bryer of the University of Birmingham.

Nieuw Instituut voor samenwerking / New Institute for cooperation

AHRB Centre for Byzantine Cultural History

Director M.E. Mullett
Associate Directors Mr James Crow, Dr Liz James
Assistant Director Dr R.H. Jordan

This new centre is designed to bring together textual scholars with art historians and archaeologists to develop a new generation of scholars who will write the new cultural history of Byzantium. The aim is to unite the strengths of three universities, the expertise of Sussex in art history, the long tradition of Byzantine archaeology at Newcastle, and the literary interests of Belfast to enable resources to be maximised for the benefit of the subject. The Centre will be housed in the new institute of Byzantine Studies at QUB, a free-standing unit of the Faculty of Humanities.

The centre is project-based, bringing together resources to enhance the Evergetis and Networks Projects (Belfast) and the Constantinople Project (Newcastle) and enabling the Colour project (Sussex) and the Skylitzes project (with Melbourne). The Gender project will run during the life of the AHRB Centre. There will be one conference, one colloquium and two day schools per year, the publications of the projects, a journal, and a general Byzantine World book for Routledge. We look forward to welcoming the SPBS to the Spring Symposium in 2005. We welcome undergraduate, MA and research students and new collaborations; we hope to be able to facilitate new interactions with other centres in UK and on the island of Ireland.

Inquiries to M. E. Mullett:

Byz-Niz Volume 8, issue 2 (spring 2001)

Interesting websites

Byzantium: history & coins

Contains many images and short explanations on coins and emperors/empresses from the Byzantine area, with extra focuses on Venice, medieval Serbia, Trebizond, frescoes and Ottoman coins.

Hymns from the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church

hosted by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of America.

Contains online music and live liturgy.


Armenia 1700 years: the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht will show an exposition about Armenian religious art in the Middle Ages from 1st of November 2001. The Lakenhal in Leiden will show an exposition on Armenian modern art, date unknown.


Der Deutsche Orientalistentag

Der Deutsche Orientalistentag tagt im Barberg zur Zeit vom 26.-30. März 2001. In der Sektion: Christlicher Orient und Byzanz wurden folgende Vorträge gemeldet.

  • Wilhelm Baum: Die sogenannten Thomas-Christen und der Seeweg nach Indien
  • Peter Bruns: Zur Kirchengeschichte des Johannes von Ephesus
  • Bogdan Burtea: Farbsymbolik zwischen Legende und moderner Geschichtsschreibung
  • Michel Van Esbroeck: Die Quelle der Himmelfahrt Muhammeds im Tempel Jerusalems
  • Harald Gropp: Orientalistik und Mathematik(geschichte) – zum Beispiel der Bamberger Jesuit Christoph Clavius
  • Ergün Lafli: Spätantike Terrakotta-Unguentarien aus Kleinasien
  • Christian Lange: War Severos von Antiochien ein Monophysith? Gedanken zur sprachlichen Einordnung nach-Chalkedonischer Christologie
  • Clemens Leonhard: Surat Ktab – Beobachtungen zum Rituale des Theodor von Mopsuestia
  • Michael Marx: Die Tschingis Khan-Legende im Bericht des päpstlichen Gesandten Plano Carpini (1247): eine Parabel auf das mongolische Reich mit syrischem und arabisch-persischem Quellenhintergrund
  • Jannis Niehoff-Panagiotidis: Kalila wa-Dimna in Byzanz
  • Pedro Bádenas dela Peña: Attitudes idéologiques des Byzantins face à la conquète ottomane
  • Andrea Barbara Schmidt: Unbekannte syrische Handschriften in Deir Surian (Ägypten). Ein Bericht über die laufende Kampagne zur Erschließung des alten Handschriftenfunds (mit Dias)
  • Wolfgang Christian Schneider: Der cherubinische Einzug des Kaisers in die Hagia Sophia (Arbeitstitel)
  • Rudolf Stichel: Die Sergios- und Bakchos-Kirche in Konstantinopel: neue Beobachtungen
  • Dorothea Weltecke: Moses aus Mardin und Andreas Masius

Bron/Source: (G. Rabo)

27th annual Byzantine Studies Conference

27th annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana: 8-11 November 2001. Information on papers: Robert Allison, Program Chair, tel. 001 207 786 6307, e-mail:

Published in print in Golden Horn Volume 8, issue 2 (spring 2001)

Byzniz Vol. 8, issue 1 (Summer-fall 2000)

Gouden Hoorn 8,1: Byz-Niz



8-10 December. “Ancient Studies & New Technology: The World Wide Web and Scholarly Research, Communication, and Publication in Ancient, Byzantine, and Medieval Studies”. Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Conveners: Michael DiMaio, Ralph Mathisen, Thomas Martin.


8-11 March. Fourth Conference on Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. “Travel, Communication and Geography in Late Antiquity”. To be held at the Downtown Centre of San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA. Enquiries re program to Prof. Linda Ellis:; all other enquiries to Prof. Frank Kidner:

28 March-2 April. Byzantine Spring Symposium. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, Oxford. Theme: “Rhetoric”. Convenor: Elizabeth Jeffreys. Call for papers to be announced shortly.

30 March-1 April. “Conference on Byzantine Monasticisms”. Faculty of Theology, University of St Michael’s College, Toronto, Canada. An interdisciplinary conference on the varieties of ascetical life in the Byzantine empire (6th-13th century), with emphasis on the current state of scholarly research and areas in needs of further study. For registration and other details see the faculty web site:

20-22 April. “Byzantium and the West”. Twelfth Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, University of Western Australia. Conf. Organiser: John Melville-Jones. Deadline for submission of Abstracts: 29 January 20001. For registration details check the web site (late November):

4-7 May. Dumbarton Oaks Symposium: “Late Byzantine Thessalonike”. Check out the web site for details:


The Mother of God: Representations of the Virgin in Byzantine Art, Benaki Musum, Athens, 15th october 2000 – 15th january 2001. This will be the high point in the celebrations of the anniversary of the Birth of Christ. Exhibited works of art in all media, dating from the 6th to the 15th centuries are included.


New Byzantine Web Journal

Settegiorni, appearing quarterly, containing articles about art, culture, religion, litterature and other subjects concerning the ‘Second Rome’.
Antonio Matasso, director of Settegiorni.

Neue Zeitschrift Göttingen

Ein Bericht von: Alexander Sideras und Brita Bayer (Herausgeber) Holger Gutschmidt und Carsten Peust (Verleger):

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen hiermit die neue Zeitschrift Göttinger Beiträge zur Byzantinischen und Neugriechischen Philologie (GBBNP) ankündigen zu dürfen. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die auf die Philologie der byzantinischen und neugriechischen Zeit spezialisiert ist, fehlte bislang. Diese Lücke sollen die Göttinger Beiträge zur Byzantinischen und Neugriechischen Philologie füllen, die im

Peust & Gutschmidt Verlag, Göttingen, erscheinen werden. Dabei sollen beide Teilbereiche, die byzantinische und neugriechische Sprachwissenschaft sowie die byzantinische und neugriechische Literaturwissenschaft, gleichermassen berücksichtigt werden.

More information about lay out of articles for can be received at:

Seminar fuer Klassische Philologie
Georg-August-Universitaet Göttingen
Humboldtallee 19, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone: +49 551 394745

New online tool Italian Medieval period

We introduce a new site that will become a new research tool for the study of the medieval period in Italy: Rassegna storica on line. This web site is part of a larger project that the editor of Medioevo Italiano has been developing for some time now.

Medioevo Italiano and its daughter project are electronic ‘magic boxes’, where scholars may send their articles, reviews or opinions about Italian history in the Middle Ages and beyond. Accepted contributions will be published ‘on line’ or in electronic format as CD-ROMS.

Rassegna storica on line is a biannual journal. Articles and contributions that are submitted to the editor in the first part of the year will be published in the spring issue, while the others will appear in autumn. At present we will publish contributions individually, but at the end of the semester we will publish a revised and corrected volume.

Angelo Gambella
Dir.Ed. Rassegna storica online
fax: +39.06.23319240


The July 2000 issue of Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is available at The issue contains 4 papers delivered at the special conference on Michael the Syrian, held at Maarat Saydnaya, the headquarters of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Damascus.

Provinciae Byzantinae anno 2000

Op 24 april 2000 werd de 85ste gedenkdag gevierd van de Armeense Genocide van 1915. Twee miljoen Armeense burgers werden toen door de Ottomaanse overheid systematisch vermoord. Tot op heden wordt deze volkerenmoord door de Turkse regering ontkend. Dit jaar bezocht de Israelische minister van onderwijs, Yossi Sarid, de gedenkdag in Jerusalem, waarbij hij zijn aanwezigheid onderstreepte door te verklaren dat hij ernaar streefde om de Armeense Genocide in de geschiedenislessen op scholen in Israel op te nemen, hetgeen voorheen gedwarsboomd werd door het Israelische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, dat repercussies vreest van de Turkse regering.

(Via suryoyo online,

Op 19 oktober heeft de senaat van de Verenigde Staten een resolutie verworpen om de genocide op Armeniërs te veroordelen op strategische gronden:

House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) issued a statement this evening pulling the Armenian Genocide resolution (HR 596) from the agenda of the House of Representatives for the remainder of the 106th Congress, thus killing the resolution.

In his statement, the Speaker cited “national security concerns” brought forth by President Clinton relating to the ongoing Middle East Peace process.

“I have asked the Majoirty Leader to take H.Res. 596 off the schedule for the remainder of the 106th Congress,” said Hasterst in the statement.

Both Speaker Hastert and President Clinton failed to use the word Genocide when characterizing the 1915 systematic and planned murder of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks.

For updates on this and other breaking news, please visit our website at

(From: Asbarez daily, 19-10-2000)

De Volkskrant en Metro berichtten op 9-11-2000 dat de Franse Senaat en Assemblée de genocide erkend hebben. De Assemblée moet nogmaals stemmen.


Salsus Books Catalogue 37: Liturgy, Biblical Studies, Theology, Patristics, Church History. See also:

Newsletter, Society for Armenian Studies, vol. 24, no. 2 (56), Spring 2000.

Overleden – Deceased

Marie-Hélène Congourdeau reported this to a Byzantium discussionlist, via bit.listserv.hellas:

Highly acclaimed Byzantinist Nikos Economides, president of the Hellenic Institute of Culture, died in hospital on Wednesday at the age of 66 due to an inflammation of the lungs. Economides was a professor at Athens University and until recently director of the Byzantine Studies Institute at the National Institute for Research (EIE).

Born in 1934, Economides studied history and archaeology at Athens University and did post-graduate studies in Paris, where he received his doctorate in 1961. After working as a researcher at the Byzantine Studies Centre in Athens until 1969, he accepted a post teaching Byzantine history at Montreal University in Canada, where he stayed until 1989. During that time, as well as having a distinguished academic career, he was also highly active in opposing the 1967-1974 junta in Greece.

In 1987 he was elected professor of Byzantine history at Athens University’s department of history and archaeology. In 1995 he was appointed director of the EIE’s Byzantine Studies Centre for five years, while in May 1997 he was elected vice-president and acting president of the EIE’s board of directors.

A highly regarded researcher and teacher, Economides’ work on Byzantium had been published in the most respected periodicals in his field and he had received many international distinctions. He had acted as visiting teacher at many universities and research institutes, including Washington’s famous Dumbarton-Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, where he was a consultant on Byzantine seals.

Byz-Niz Volume 7 issue 2 (Winter 1999-2000)


The Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology at the University of Göttingen set up a mailinglist for Byzantine Philology as a forum for all areas of research in Byzantine Philology. The mailinglist shall provide the opportunity to discuss questions and problems. Research papers and reports, short reviews of recently publisheed books as well as announcements of conferences are also welcome. Students of Byzantine Philology are encouraged to take part in the mailinglist. The mailinglist is unmoderated. If you want to subscribe to the list, send an email to: listproc@gwdg.decontaining only the following line:

subscribe Byzantinistik [first name] [last name]

The e-mail should not contain a subject or further lines such as signatures or address lines.

Kloosters, kerken/Monasteries, churches

Byzantine churches and monasteries a casualty of Kosovo

From/uit: AABS 39, Nov. 1999

The following item has been supplied by the Serbian community in New South Wales. For further information contact Aleksander Pavkovic ( or Mrs Ranka Rajanovic ( More detailed information is available through the following Web Sites:

The province of Kosovo is home to some 1600 Byzantine medieval monuments, and it represents one of the highest concentrations of cultural and historical monuments in the world. Out of 1400 churches and monasteries, many date back to the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries. Most of these monuments and holy shrines survived the wars fought in the region over past centuries, but are now in danger of falling victim to the current geopolitical conflict. Among the endangered medieval monasteries in Kosovo are even ones of exceptional cultural significance:

  • Decani Monastery, nominated for the World Heritage List, built in 1327, its frescoes almost completely preserved and containing over 1000 individual figures and scenes representing the largest existing sources of data on Byzantine iconography. The Decani Treasury is the richest in Serbia with about 60 icons from the fourteenth century.
  • Gracanica Monastery, nominated for the World Heritage List, built in the second decade of the fourteenth century, belongs among the finest architectural achievements of the epoch, with paintings completed in 1321, and with an outstanding collection of icons from the fourteenth century.
  • The Patriarchate of Pecs, the complex of the Pecs’ churches, built in the third part of the thirteenth century, with frescoes painted from 1260 onwards. An entire history of the styles of medieval wall painting can be seen on the walls of the Pecs churches.
  • Ljeviska Mother of God, a five-dome church built in 1306, with very damaged paintings which are considered among the most successful fresco assemblages from the time of the Byzantine dynasty of the Palaeologus, painted by master painter Astrapa from Salonika around 1310-1313, with the famous fresco of Virgin with Christ, fourteenth century.

Between June and September 1999 over seventy monasteries and churches have been plundered and destroyed as a result of retaliatory attacks, and many more damaged. Among them are:

  • The Medieval Holy Trinity Monastery, Musutiste, fourteenth century, looted, and completely destroyed.
  • St. Cosma and Damian Monastery, Zociste, fourteenth century, looted, vandalized, and recently destroyed.
  • The Dormition of Mother of God church in Musutiste, 1315, completely destroyed.
  • St. Archangel Gabriel’s Monastery, Binac, fourteenth century, almost completely destroyed.
  • Devic Monastery of St. Joanikije, from 1440, looted and vandalized.
  • Holy Archangels Monastery, fourteenth century, in Gornje Nerodimlje, destroyed.


Allard Pierson Museum: Muziek in het klassieke Griekenland.

“Het Leven van Jesus”, Russische ikonen van Wasili Wasin, t/m 18 maart in de expositieruimte van de kaarsenmakerij van de Abdij van Egmond, Vennewatersweg 27, 1935 AR Egmond-Binnen.


Karel C. Innemée, Robin Lutz. Koptische kloosters. Gods levende dodenMooi fotoboek met teksten die de geschiedenis van het Koptische monnikendom beschrijven van he begin tot het heden. Baarn: De Fontein,1999. 102 pp., ill., lit. opg.
ISBN 90-261-1381-1.

Hans Hollerweger, English transl. and inroduction: Andrew Palmer, introduction: Sebastian Brock, Turkish tanslation: Sevil Gülçer. Tur Abdin. Lebendiges Kulturerbe. Living Cultural Heritage. Canli Kültür Mirasi. 1999. 367 pp., ill., reg.
ISBN 3-9501039-0-2
Dit kleurrijk geïllustreerde boek is het eerste fotoboek over Tur Abdin, de bergstreek waar het Syrische Christendom zeer vroeg al tot bloei kwam, en waar het nog steeds, zij het onder zeer moeilijke omstandigheden, voortleeft. Jammer dat er geen detailkaart van de streek in staat.

Te bestellen via:
Freunde des Tur Abdin
Bethlehemstrasse 20,
A-4020 Linz, Oostenrijk
fax +43 732 773578


Travel in the Byzantine World: the 34th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies. 1-4 April 2000, The University of Birmingham, UK.

XXe Congres International des Etudes Byzantines, Paris (Sorbonne and Collège de France). Proposed plenary sessions and round tables: Recherches sur le droit byzantin: un bilan; Les Occidentaux dans les villes de province de l’Empire byzantin; Les villages dans l’Empire byzantine, Ve-XIVe s.; Permanences et changements dans l’occupation du sol: densites, modalites et extension/regression; Byzance entre Occident chrétien et monde musulman. Les relations artistiques; La peripherie dans le temps et l’espace; Alterite religieuse et identite culturelle: les chrétientés orientales non grecques; Reliques de la Passion (the indirect relics of Christ); La petition à Byzance; l’Italie byzantine; Lire et ecrire a Byzance; La Lettre diplomatique; Philosophie et sciences a Byzance; Theologiens et méthodes theologiques a Byzance; Byzance et son histoire en l’an 2000.

Date: 19-25 August 2000.


Dionysius xvii, dec. 1999 (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada) ISSN 0705-1085.

Nieuwsbrief van de Interdisciplinaire Werkgroep voor de Studie van het Oosters Christendom, vii, december 1999 (Nijmegen, Leiden).

Newsletter. Society for Armenian Studies, vol. xxiii, no. 3 (54), fall 1999.

Salsus Books, catalogue 35: Liturgy, Biblical Studies, Theology, Church History, etc. (

Byzantinologe wint De la Courtprijs

De Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) heeft de De la Courtprijs 1999 toegekend aan dr. Krijnie N. Ciggaar voor haar studie Western Travellers to Constantinople. The West and Byzantium 962-1204. De De la Courtprijs is bestemd voor wetenschappelijk werk op het gebied van alfa- en gammawetenschappen dat onbezoldigd is verricht.

Byz-Niz – Volume 7, issue 1 (summer 1999)

Volume 7, issue 1 (summer 1999)


Conferenties, Symposia

25th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference

25th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A., 4-7 November 1999. Enquiries: Prof. Kathleen Corrigan (kathleen.corrigan[@] or George Majeska (gm5[@],theme: 25 years of the Byzantine Studies Conference.

The Eighth International Congress for Syriac Studies

The University of Sydney, Department of Semitic Studies:The Eighth International Congress for Syriac Studies (Monday 26 June – Friday 30th June 2000), also: The Sixth International Conference on Christian Arabic Studies (Sunday 2nd July – Wednesday 5th July 2000).

For further info:

Prof. R.Y. Ebeid
Dept. of Semitic Studies
The University of Sydney
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
E-mail: rifaat.ebeid[@]
tel. +61 2 9351 3530 fax. +61 2 9351 6684

Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World

Interdisciplinary symposium on Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World: March 3-5, 2000, University of Washington-Seattle

A desire to tap into the divine (or demonic) powers of the cosmos, especially those powers linked to the heavens, pervades the history of religion in the ancient and late antique world. This symposium examines the manifold techniques and traditions — both sanctioned and unsanctioned, individual and communal — by which men and women in the ancient and late antique world sought to gain access to that power. To explore this topic, we have invited a group of speakers whose expertise ranges from ancient Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology to the Christian magical papyri of early Islamic Egypt.

Jonathan Z. Smith of the University of Chicago will deliver the key-note address for the colloquium.

For more information about the symposium, please see our web site at: [link may no longer work!]

Please write: Scott Noegel (snoegel[@], or Joel Walker (jwalker[@] Please send any inquiries via regular US mail to:

Dr. Scott Noegel
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization
Box 353120
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

Kerknieuws/Church news

In Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales, a church of the Byelorussian Autocephalous Church by the name of the Church of the Holy Protection (Eglwys yr Amddiffyniad Sanctaidd) has recently bought a church building which formerly belonged to the Anglican Church. This branch of the Orthodox Church in Wales, which has its own Liturgy in Welsh, has existed for several years, but a major renovation will give to this part of the world a new church.

The Church of the Holy Protection has published some fine postcards of icons painted there, and a cassette with the Divine Liturgy in Welsh. Address:

11, Manod Road,
Blaenau Ffestiniog,
Gwynedd LL41 4DE
North Wales


Dionysius n.s. Vol. 16 (1998), ISSN 0705-1085

Salsus Books Catalogue 34, containing Liturgy, Biblical Studies, Theology, Church History. Salsus Books, 193 Court Oak Road, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9AD: postal business only. Fax ++44 121 426 4096.

Peregrina Publishing Co.: Spring 1999 Catalogue, containing translated Lives of Medieval female saints. Address: 17 Woodside Avenue, Toronto, Canada, M6P 1L6

Byzantine Studies in Australia Newsletter, May 1999 (electronic version); ISSN 0155-042x; information: wmayer[@]


Entdeckung neuer syrischer Handschriften im Tur ‘Abdin

Nach Informationen des türkisches Fernsehens wurden neue syrische Handschriften im Tur Abdin entdeckt in November 1998.

Bei der Razzia nach PKK-Kämpfern im Bochtan-Gebirge hatte das türkische Militär zufällig mehrere syrische Handschriften entdeckt. Der Ort des Handschriften-schatzes ist das früher von Syrern bewohnte und jetzt verlassene Dorf Dera, oberhalb von Gozarto (türk. Cizre). Allerdings ist noch nicht bekannt, ob es sich um das Obere oder das Untere Dera händelt.

Die gefundenen syrischen Handschriften waren in einem syrischen Kirchengebäude versteckt, möglicherweise um Plünderung und Raub zu verhindern.

Mehr ist über den genauen Inhalt der Handschriften nicht bekannt. Nach den türkischen TV-Nachrichten ging es um “syrische” und “hebräische” Texte. Eine von den vor der Kamera gezeigten Handschriften war im ostsyrischen “Madenhoyo”-Schrifttyp, welchen die Ostsyrer (“Nestorianer”) verwenden. Bei den Texten, die die türkischen Journalisten als “hebräische Handschriften” bezeichneten, dürfte es sich eher um den “Estrangelo”-Schriftyp handeln. Estrangelo und Hebräisch können für Nicht-Syrischkenner sehr ähnlich erscheinen.

Wann und warum diese Handschriften versteckt wurden, darüber kann man nur spekulieren. Es ist jedoch eine Reihe von ähnlichen Fällen im Tur ‘Abdin und der Umgebung bekannt: während des Massakers durch die Türken am Ende des letzten und am Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts versteckten die Syrer ihre Schätze – vor allem syrische Handschriften – vor Plünderung, Raub oder Vernichtung in den Kirchen, in Ruinen oder einfach in den Bergen.

(Gabriel Rabo, 3 December 1998)

see also: [link may no longer work]

Istanbul Mayor Hosts Meeting with Religious Minority Leaders

January 29, 1999

Mayor Ali Mufit Gurtuna held an unprecedented breakfast meeting in Istanbul on Thursday, January 28, 1999, with religious leaders of the Greek, Armenian, Jewish minorities and the heads of Catholic and Syrian Orthodox churches. The breakfast meeting, held in honor of the religious leaders, was held at the Malta Kiosk in Yildiz Park. “If we look at differences as nature’s mosaic, we will see a great deal,” Gurtuna told the religious leaders. Participating at the meeting were Orthodox Church Patriarch Bartholomew, the head of Turkey’s 4,000-member Greek community, Armenian Church Patriarch Mesrob Mutafyan, head of the 60,000-strong Armenian Gregorian community in Turkey, Isak Haleva, acting chief rabbi of the 25,000-member Jewish community; Yusuf Cetin, Patriarchal Vicar of the Syrian Orthodox Church and bishop of 15,000 Syrian Orthodox Turks, and Lui Pelatra, head of the holy synod of Catholic communities of Turkey. The country has about 40,000 Catholics of Roman, Greek, Armenian, Syrian and Chaldean rites, which are in union with the Vatican. Patriarch Bartholomew said the meeting was unprecedented. “In truth, we are unaccustomed to such kinds of gestures,” the Orthodox Church prelate said.

From: Syrian Orthodox Resources

Byz-Niz Volume 6, issue 2 (winter 1998-1999)

Volume 6, issue 2 (winter 1998-1999)

Berichten uit de O.B.O.-burelen


has some new material up on the medieval Volga Bulgars or Tatars of Tatarstan as their come lately ethnogenosis designation now stands – The decline of the Khazar state. etc.

Adrienne DeAngelis schrijft:

“I run a Web site called “Resources in Art History for Graduate Students”, located at:

This lists fellowships, grants, symposia, calls for papers, and other opportunities for graduate students in the general area of art history. I am always looking for new and updated listings, especially in the areas of fellowships, symposia, support for research abroad.”

There is a BBC report, with images and video, of the recent Byzantine Palace site unearthed in Istanbul. Go to:

Discussion lists

“AgoraClass : A discussion list about Greek and Roman world, for a very wide public. Teachers and students, of high-school or universities, as well as anyone interested in classical antiquity, are welcome. No geographical limits, but preferably French-speaking communications. In short, this discussion list aims to be an Agora, i.e. a meeting place for people who does not consider Roman and Greek worlds as dead and out-of-date.”

Conferenties, Symposia

The third conference of Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity, “Urban and Rural in Late Antiquity” [ca. 200 – 600], will be held at Emory University, Atlanta, 11 – 14 March 1999.

Contact Prof. Thomas S. Burns, send e-mail:, Department of History, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.

The XXXIII Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies “Eastern approaches to Byzantium”, 27-29 March, The University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL

Symposiarch: Dr Anthony Eastmond, Dept. of Art History


19, 20 mei 1999

De vakgroep Grieks en Latijn en het Griekenlandcentrum van de Rijksuniversiteit Gent organiseren in samenwerking met collega’s van de afdeling Oude Geschiedenis van de K.U. Leuven en Nieuwgrieks en Byzantinologie van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen een interdisciplinair colloquium over ‘de Griekse stad’.

A colloquium is held on 19th and 20th May 1999 in Gent (B.) on ‘the Greek city’, organised by R.U. Gent, K.U. Leuven and R.U. Groningen.


Dr Kristoffel Demoen, Vakgroep Grieks en Latijn, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Gent, Tel. +32 92644028, fax +32 92644164, e-mail:

Second Graduate Students’ Day, University of Oxford, 8 May 1999.

Information: Anne McCabe, Christ Chruch, Oxford OX1 1DP.

Dumbarton Oaks Symposium, 30 April-2 May, Washington D.C., “Byzantine Eschatology: views on the Last Things”, contact:

“Neither woman nor man”: Eunuchs in Antiquity and beyond, Cardiff, Wales, July 1999, information: Dr Shaun Tougher, School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University, PO Box 909, Cardiff, CF1 3XU, Wales; e-mail:

“Orthodoxy and Unorthodoxies”: the 11th Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney. Papers, information: Dr Andrew Gillett, School of History, Philosophy and Politics, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia; e-mail:

13th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 16-21 Augustus’99. Prof. R.W. Thomson, The Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE, England.


Archaeologia Bulgarica

Archaeologia Bulgarica is a new review of archaeology. It is published thrice a year.

It presents a publishing forum for research in archaeology in the widest sense of the word. There are no restrictions for time and territory but Southeastern Europe is the accent.

Objective: interdisciplinary research of archaeology.
Contents: articles, reviews and news.
Languages: English, German and French.

5th issue (1998/2) has just been struck off.

Further info at:

Copyright 1997 by NOUS Publishers Ltd, 1330 Sofia, P.O.B. 55, fax: +359 2/963 01 41

ISSN 1310-9537

Editor: L.F. Vagalinski Ph.D. (Institute of Archaeology at Sofia),


The January 1999 (Vol 2, No 1) issue of “Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies” is published now and can be accessed at:

Mirror site:

This is the second of two special issues on the “Influence of St. Ephrem the Syrian”, named after a conference at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, during which most of the papers of this issue were read. The current issue features 8 articles on the subject in addition to four book reviews, three conference reports and five conference announcements.

For the very first time, this issue contains audio material (see paper by Ibrahim and Kiraz).

If you would like to receive further notifications when a new issue is published, please register your email at the address:

For information on submitting articles, please see under ‘Submission’ on the site.

George Anton Kiraz, Ph.D., Hugoye, General Editor

Het Christelijk Oosten

Het tijdschrift Het Christelijk Oosten bestaat 50 jaar. Begonnen onder de titel “Het Christelijk oosten en hereniging” door de paters assumptionisten, ontwikkelde het blad zich tot een tijdschrift dat de oecumene met de oosterse en oriëntaalse kerken benadrukt, en streeft naar interreligieuze dialoog. In 1964 werd dan ook “en hereniging” geschrapt.

Tegenwoordig wordt Het Christelijk Oosten uitgegeven door het Instituut voor Byzantijnse en Oecumenische Studies in Nijmegen (Erasmusplein 1, 6525 HT Nijmegen, tel. 024 3615603). De redactie bestaat uit A. Davids (hoofdredacteur), B. Groen en H. Teule (redactieleden), en V. van Aalst en S. Snepvangers, secretariaat.

Het Christelijk Oosten verschijnt in een dubbelnummer, dat in mei en november verschijnt. In ieder nummer wordt een kroniek gepubliceerd met nieuws van de oosterse kerken. In nummer 1-2 van 1998 worden onder andere de Oekraïne, Jeruzalem en Noord-Irak behandeld. Verder staan er artikelen in over de Chaldeeuwse gemeenschap in Istanboel, Nationalisme in de oosterse orthodoxie, Theodorus van Mopsuestia, kerk in Rusland en de Oekraïne en de icoon van de Intocht in Jerusalem.

Het Christelijk Oosten wordt uitgegeven door Peeters, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven, België, en kost fl. 75,- per jaar (of fl. 40,- voor studenten). ISSN 0009-5141.


Valaam-klooster in Rusland heeft dringend financiële hulp nodig

De krisis met de roebel heeft ook het sinds acht jaar herstichtte klooster Valaam getroffen. De financiële inkomsten waren door de ineenstorting van de Russische bank niet genoeg om al de voedselvooraden voor de winter in te slaan.

Er wonen ruim 200 monniken en 300 van het klooster afhankelijke bewoners van het eiland waarop het klooster 1000 jaar geleden gevestigd is. In de winter, die van november tot april duurt, kan er alleen door middel van een helicopter of vrachtwagens (waarvan er al vele verloren gingen) voedsel gebracht worden.

Metropoliet Leo van de Fins-Orthodoxe kerk heeft een fonds opgezet om voedseltransporten vanuit het nabijgelegen Finland te betalen. Het banknummer van het Valaam-fonds is:

Handelsbanken 3131305704010 PL 272 00121 Helsinki.

Deir Mar Musa, Nebek in Syrië

Vader Paolo heeft de opdracht gekregen van de Société de Jésus, op verzoek van de plaatselijke bisschop, om het klooster van Sint Mozes officieel te stichten. Dit oude klooster dat in de jaren ’80 nieuw leven is ingeblazen door samenwerking tussen Italiaanse geestelijken en plaatselijke bevolking, had nog geen ‘officiële’ status. Daar wordt nu aan gewerkt. Ook is ten oosten van het klooster een bron gegraven (350 meter diep) zodat de cisternen en reservoirs, alsmede de plantages van amandelbomen van water kunnen worden voorzien.

In het voorjaar van 1998, de dinsdag na Pasen, heeft zuster Elena Bologenesi de eeuwige gelofte afgelegd. Zij is de eerste zuster in de gemeenschap van Mar Musa om de eeuwige gelofte af te leggen, terwijl de levenswijze van dit klooster nog verre is van kerkelijke goedkeuring.



In het Tropenmuseum, Linnaeusstraat 2 te Amsterdam, is tot 16 augustus 1999 de expositie Ethiopië – de erfenis van een keizerrijk te zien. De aankondiging accentueert de continuteit van keizerlijk bestuur over dit land sinds de tijd van Salomo; hierop is op historische gronden wel wat af te dingen, maar in ieder geval is het met de monarchie (voorgoed?) afgelopen in dit land sinds 1974. Speciale aandacht voor de materiële cultuur binnen de christelijke, islamitische en zoals men het zelf noemt “Afrikaanse” tradities (islam en christendom zijn dus niet Afrikaans volgens de afdeling publiciteit van het Tropenmuseum). Verslag elders in dit nummer.


17 juli 1998 is in Den Haag het Odigia Ikonen Museum geopend, een permanente expositie van vooral Russische ikonen, waarin de Nowgorod-stijl het meest vertegenwoordigd is. Helaas wordt in de desbetreffende verslaggeving niet vermeld hoe in het algemeen “sinds de val van de Muur” zo vaak tentoongestelde ikonen eigenlijk buiten het land van herkomst zijn geraakt. Dit museum heeft een vaste kern van 47 door particuliere verzamelaars ter beschikking gestelde ikonen, en een zaal met in bruikleen gegeven stukken. Adres: Molenstraat 6, Den Haag, open: dinsdag t/m zondag 10.00 – 16.00 uur.

In dit verband kunnen wij de Stichting tot Behoud van Ikonen in het Midden-Oosten noemen, die in ieder geval het “particuliere verzamelen” niet bevordert. Deze wil conservering en behoud bevorderen op de plaatsen waar de ikonen thuis zijn en horen: kloosters en kerken, die echter de financiële middelen ontberen. Bankrekeningnr. van de Stichting: 456718370, adres: Postbus 1004, 1398 ZJ Muiden.


Nieuw beeld van Constantijn de Grote

In York is afgelopen zomer een nieuw standbeeld van keizer Constantijn onthuld. Het staat aan de zuidelijke ingang van York Minster, dichtbij de plaats waar hij in 306 tot keizer van het Romeinse Rijk werd uitgeroepen. Het beeld is vervaardigd door Philip Jackson, en is ongeveer anderhalve meter hoog.


Society for Armenian Studies Newsletter, Vol. XXII, No.3 (51), Fall 1998.

Greek CatWelfare Society (UK), 9 Woodfield Crescent, London W5 1PD, England. Founded by Christine Morison in 1991 to help stray cats in Greece.

Symposium – quarterly journal by Hellenic students. Vol.1. The Hellenic House, 257A Hinckley Road, Western Park, Leicester LE3 0TH, England.

Comment: Quite a difference with Dutch magazine Lychnari! Well, they may be excused by the fact that there are so many Hellenic students in Britain… Articles seem to be placed in the order of receiving, so actually – no order for the reader, which makes the journal a surprising read indeed!

A call to subscribe to ‘Greek-o-file’, a quarterly publication for ‘Greekophiles’, which we actually have not seen yet. Address: 4 Harvey Road, Langley, Berks SL3 8JB, England. E-mail:

Kopten, christelijke cultuur in Egypte, ed. Robert Linsingh Scheurleer … [et al.]. Amsterdam, 1998. (Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden Allard Pierson Museum, nrs. 73-73). De catalogus behorende bij de tentoonstelling over Kopten die in het Allard Pierson Museum gehouden is in 1998-1999.

Byz-Niz: Berichten uit de O.B.O.-burelen (6:1)


fifth Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium

“Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries: Evergetis and others”, fifth Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium, will be held 17-20 september 1998 at Portaferry, Co. Down.

Information:everget @

Twenty-fourth annual Byzantine Studies Conference

University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA. 5-8 November, 1998.

Inquiries: clrapp @ Claudia Rapp, Program Chair, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540.

“Perspectives on Panopolis: An Egyptian town from Alexander the Great to the Arab conquest”

16-18 december 1998 in Leiden.

Information: Dr A. Egberts,egberts @

Cultural and intellectual history society

The members of C.I.HI.S. (Cultural and Intellectual History Society), a newly-founded society consisted mainly of young historians, are considering the preconditions for organising a conference which will take place in Athens, in 2000. This conference will concern the development of research conducted by historians regarding modern and contemporary Greek history (19th-20th c.).

Basically, the intention of C.I.HI.S. is to bring together historians (or other social scientists dealing with historical issues), who are still working on their Ph.D thesis or they have recently concluded it. For information concerning participation in this project please contact:cihis @

11th Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies

“Orthodoxy and Unorthodoxies”: the 11th Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney (1999). centre/ahdrc.html

Web sites

The Evergetis Project (Queen’s University, Belfast)

The Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (SPBS) in the UK has a new website:

Levantia is a site for Byzantine and medieval Near Eastern social history, especially that explored by means of practical reconstruction and experimentation. It also discusses issues of historiographic method and representation in public contexts.


Porphyrogenitus ltd. – 1998 list

Now published and available:

The letter of the three patriarchs to the emperor Theophilus and related texts, ed. J.A. Munitiz, J. Chrysostomides, Ch. Dendrinos, and E. Harvalia-Crook: A new edition, with English translation, notes and introduction of these important texts, which are vital sources of information on the second period of the iconoclast movement (813-843). An introductory essay by J. Chrysostomides offers a new assessment of the authenticity of the largest text, *The Letter of the Three Patriarchs*. c.300 pages, 240 x 160 mm, plates, indices, hardback. ISBN 1 871328 12 8. Price £65.

Already published:

Monumenta Peloponnesiaca, ed. J. Chrysostomides, 1995: A collection of 320 fully annotated, unpublished documents in Latin, Italian, and Greek, drawn from the archives of Dubrovnik, Florence, Malta, Paris, Venice and the Vatican. These documents shed a new light on the political, social, and economic conditions in the Peloponnese in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. 16 plates, map, full index, select vocabulary. 704 pages, 280 x 220mm, hardback ISBN 1 871328 06 3. Price £130.

Kathegetria. Essays in honour of J.M. Hussey, ed. J. Chrysostomides, 1988: A collection of 31 articles by internationally distinguished scholars, exploring a wide range of important aspects of Byzantine history – a fitting tribute to Professor Hussey’s contribution to Byzantine studies. Contributors include J. Darrouzes, J. Koder, H. Hunger, S. Runciman. 543 pages, 242 x 170mm, hardback, maps, analytical index. ISBN 1 871328 00 4. Price £45.

The journals and letters of George Finlay, ed. J.M. Hussey, 1995: The journals and selected correspondence of the nineteenth-century Scottish scholar, traveller, and philhellene. His writings provide a vivid picture of day to day life in Greece, and will be an invaluable source to topographers, archaeologists and historians. This edition is richly illustrated with over 130 of Finlay’s own sketches. 949 pages, 240 x 165mm, hardback in two vols. ISBN 1 871328 10 1. Price £95.

Jonathan Harris, Greek emigres in the west 1400-1520, 1995: Most studies of emigrants from Constantinople and Greece in Western Europe in this period have focused on the scholars who contributed so much to the study of Greek during the Italian Renaissance. This original investigation reveals that they also included physicians, shipbuilders, artists, and other skilled craftsmen, and argues that the readiness of western regimes to employ them undermines traditional assumptions about Byzantium’s cultural and technological backwardness in the century before the fall of Constantinople. 282 pages, 220 x 150mm, hardback, index, full bibliography. ISBN 1 871328 11 X. Price £45.

Betty Naggaar, Jewish pedlars and hawkers 1740-1940, 1992: An amusing and vivid look into the lives of itinerant salesmen in Britain. ‘A charming book, richly illustrated … a real contribution to social history … a book to be recommended and to be explored.’ *European Judaism*. 160 pages, 206 x 140mm, paperback, 25 plates. ISBN 1 871328 05 5. Price £14.95.

Ideology and religion in French literature. Essays in honour of B. Juden, ed. H. Cockerham and E. Ehrman, 1989: A collection of 23 essays by internationally known contributors. ‘This substantial, well-produced Festschrift … is a worthy and fitting tribute to its recipient’ *French Studies*. 360 pages, 242 x 170mm, paperback. ISBN 1 871328 02 0. Price £32.80.

All these books may be ordered directly from:

Porphyrogenitus Ltd.
27 Upper Gordon Road
Surrey, GU15 2HJ
United Kingdom.

Prices are quoted in £(United Kingdom Pounds Sterling). Please add 10% to over postage and packing. Make your cheque/international money order in £, payable to Porphyrogenitus Ltd.


[Note 2011: as the links are very old, we unlinked them here, and we did the same with the email addresses mentioned here]

Byz-Niz: Berichten uit de O.B.O.-burelen


De Late Antiquity Newsletter (LAN) is in te zien op het volgende adres:

Bill Thayer schrijft: RomanSites is now open for business on the Web at:

RomanSites is a semi-indexed, lightly commented catalog of roughly 1200 websites, an estimated 30,000 webpages, that in some way cover ancient Rome: as their primary focus or secondarily or even incidentally. The RS website is a bibliographical tool that can be used as a proxy for searching the Web very rapidly for Roman material: it is in essence a manual search engine.

The RomanSites website is being hosted by the History Department of the University of Kansas through the very kind offices of Prof. Lynn Nelson.

Greek hymns at the Church of Cyprus homepage:

Slavonic at:

and news of Greece and the Ecumenical Patriarchate at

Uit: L.A.N, dec.’97, by Minos Orphanides (minos @

Electronische tijdschriften op internet/Electronic journals on internet

Er verschijnen steeds meer tijdschriften via internet. Sommige hebben ook een gedrukte versie, andere verschijnen alleen via een website, en weer andere hebben alleen een e-mail-versie. Hieronder een greep uit het aanbod dat momenteel te vinden is op internet. Allereerst een website die een goed overzicht geeft van titels:

Het blad Classics Ireland: journal of the Classical Association of Ireland:

Het tijdschrift Textual Criticism (TC: a journal of Biblical textual criticism), een alleen op internet verschijnend blad, heeft een pagina met links naar andere publicaties betreffende tekstkritiek:

Een nieuw tijdschrift voor Syrisch is Hugoye (Volume 1 Number 1 (January 1998)).

Congressen, symposia

Philadelphia seminar on christian origins in its 35th year.

An Interdisciplinary Humanities Seminar under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Religious Studies Box 36 College Hall, Philadelphia 19104, U.S.A.

Topic for 1997-98: textual commentary as social practice


Megan Williams (Princeton University). meganw @
Jay Treat (University of Pennsylvania), jtreat @
Coordinator: Robert Kraft (University of Pennsylvania),kraft @

For 1997-98, the PSCO will bring together scholars of early Judaism, early Christianity, and the Greco-Roman world to examine interpretation as a social practice in the Mediterranean world from Philo of Alexandria through Augustine of Hippo. Our focus is on textual commentaries and related texts. In order to make sense of commentary writing in late antiquity, we wish to situate it within the context of ancient modes of reading, ancient modes of construing the relation of text and meaning, and ancient modes of transmitting knowledge, as these can be reconstructed within particular communities and cultures.

Program: March 1998 Robert Lamberton, Washington University “Interpretation in the Neo-Platonist Tradition”

May 1998 James O’Donnell, University of Pennsylvania “Christian Interpretation in Late Antiquity”

For detailed directions to the meetings and for further information, visit the PSCO web site:

The XXXII Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies

27-30 March. Strangers to Themselves: The Byzantine Outsider. The XXXII Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton.

Some categories of outsiders are clear — by class, by ethnicity, by gender and sexuality, by religion. These are categories of self-definition, identity and self-identity; of drawing boundaries; of liminality; of alienation and community. Other categories are less obvious: the reader outsider the text; the illiterate precluded from the text; the marginal illustration to the text; the alienating quality of the Christian religion; the way in which art ‘makes strange’ what is familiar. Speakers have been asked to avoid the temptation to catalogue, writing papers that deal with ‘the Rhos and Byzantium’, ‘Byzantium and the Arabs’, ‘Crusaders and Byzantines’. The symposium will produce a synthesis of what we know now about how the Byzantines saw themselves and what they saw as the completely ‘Other’.

Contact Dion Smythe, Classics, King’s College, London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS; email: d.smythe @ Local arrangements are being co-ordinated by Ms Karen Wraith, CCS, Essex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BW2 2TP.


Studiedag over Deir-al-Sourian, april 1998, Leiden. Naar aanleiding van nieuwe belangrijke vondsten in de Kerk van Deir-al-Sourian, in de Wadi-al-Natrun, Egypte. Datum nog bekend te maken door Karel Innemée, Leiden

Words and Pictures: Early Christian Art and Thought

11 July. Words and Pictures: Early Christian Art and Thought. McAuley Campus, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane. To register write to The Secretary, Centre for Early Christian Studies, ACU, PO Box 247, Everton Park QLD 4053. Email:p.ackroyd @

Hildegard von Bingen

Bingen, Sept. 13-19, 1998: “Hildegard von Bingen in ihrem historischen Umfeld”.
Contact: 900 Jahre Hildegard von Bingen e. V.
Rochusallee, 40
D – 55411 BINGEN
Fax: +49 (0)11 49 6721 12006

Late Antique aesthetics and values

APA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 27-30 December 1998

Late Antique aesthetics and values

The inter-related themes of aesthetics and values impinge upon many areas of late Roman culture. The organizers of this panel encourage papers that both explore the relationships between these two themes in late antiquity and that also assess their place within the wider spectrum of political, social, religious, and artistic developments that distinguish the period. We also hope that contributors will link specific problems to some of the larger questions in our field that are still in need of discussion. For instance, the beginning of Late Antiquity has sometimes been located in the Severan age because of the appearance of certian styles of architecture and (following Eusebius of Caesarea) the political culture of Late Antiquity is often connected to the supposed growth of monotheism. What are the assumptions behind these connections? Similarly the rise of asceticism and the cult of the saints in the later fourth century is often placed in dynamic tension with significant shifts in the topography and social structures of the late antique city, while a common aesthetic sensibility has been detected in the age’s poetry and its art and architecture. Can these relationships be sustained and what do they imply? Finally, what role do assumptions about aesthetics and values play in the decision of some to draw lines of division between the world of Boethius and Caesarius of Arles and that of Gregory the Great and Gregory of Tours? We hope that be focusing attention upon questions of late antique aesthetics and values and, in particular, upon the relationships between these issues and the political and social history of the age, this panel’s papers will enhance our appreciation and understanding of its distinctive culture.

The panel is part of the APA three-year colloquium on Late Antiquity chaired by Emily Albu and Michele Salzman. The panel organizers are John Matthews (Department of Classics, PO Box 208262, Yale University, New Haven CT 06521) and Dennis Trout (Classics, Tufts University, Medford MA 02155)

18th International conference on the history of cartography

Athens, 11-16 july 1999

Organised by the Society for Hellenic Cartography and the National Hellenic Research Foundation, in collaboration with Imago Mundi Ltd.
Conference theme: ‘The Cartography of the Mediterranean World’ – and any other aspect of the history of cartography.
Languages: the conference will be conducted in English, French and Greek, with simultaneous translation.
If you are working on any aspect of the history of cartography and are interested in receiving further information, which will be issued in the ‘Call for Papers’ in Spring 1998, please complete the form below. This does not commit you in any way. [If you have already made a return by mail please let the Conference Secretary have your email address].

Email: gtolias @

Mail: 18th International Conference on the History of Cartography, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vassileos Konstantinou Avenue, GR-116 35, Athens, Greece
Telephone: +301 721 0554
Fax: +301 724 6212

The Twenty-fourth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference

5-8 November 1998. The Twenty-fourth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference.

Call for Papers

The Twenty-fourth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference will be held at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, from Thursday, November 5 through Sunday, November 8, 1998. The conference is an annual forum for the presentation and discussion of papers on every aspect of Byzantine history and culture and is open to all, regardless of nationality or academic status. Abstracts must be postmarked no later than March, 15, 1998, or March 2, if submitted from abroad, and sent to Claudia Rapp, Program Chair, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540, U.S.A. (e-mail: clrapp @

Perspectives on Panopolis

Perspectives on Panopolis: an Egyptian town from Alexander the Great to the Arab conquest, 9-11 december 1998, Leiden. Organisatie: Vakgroep talen en culturen van het Nabije Oosten, sectie Egyptologie en Koptologie, in samenwerking met het Papyrologisch Instituut. Informatie: Jacques van der Vliet, Leiden.


Two new big museums are to be built in northern Greece, it was announced in Alexandroupolis recently by Culture Minister Evangelos Venizelos. The announcement was made at the beginning of a tour by the Central Archaeological Council of the prefectures of Evros, Rhodopi, Xanthi and Thasos. An archaeological museum is to be built in Alexandroupolis and a Byzantine museum in Didimoticho. Meanwhile, the Council’s plans for the region include restoration work on the ancient theater on the island of Thasos, budgeted at 400 million drachmas and to repair the second basilica at the ancient site of Philippi. In addition, extensions are to be made to the Komotini archaeological museum at a cost of one billion drachmas.

(Hellenic Newsletter, Greece in print, 15-9-1997)

Kent State University Museum

November 6 to March 29 – Kent, OH

The Kent State University Museum is hosting an exhibit featuring traditional costumes of Greece, drawing mostly from the collection of the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, accompanied by historic maps of the regions the costumes represent. For information call the museum at 330-672-3450.

(Greece in print, 15-11-1997)

Athos-tentoonstelling verlengd?

(Athens, 27/11/1997 (ANA))

Officials at the Cultural Capital of Europe-Thessaloniki ’97 have asked for the exhibition “Treasures of Mount Athos” to be extended until the end of May, as demand by visitors has gone beyond expectations.

The exhibition, which opened on June 22, has so far attracted more than 400,000 visitors, with revenues rising to more than half a billion drachmas.

Officials have already forwarded the request for extension to the monastic community of Mount Athos, whose response at the end of next week is expected to be positive.

Museum voor Volkenkunde, Rotterdam

Syrische Iconen, in het Museum voor Volkenkunde, Rotterdam; tot 19 april 1998, Willemskade 25, 3016 DM Rotterdam, tel. 010-4112201. Er is een catalogus beschikbaar: M. Immerzeel en A. Touma: Syrische iconen – Syrian Icons. Collectie / Collection Antoine Touma, Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju, [1997].

Nieuws uit de ‘Provincies’/News from the ‘Provinces’


We ontvingen de Society of Armenian Studies Newsletter, vol. 21, no. 3 (48), fall 1997 (ISSN 0740-5510). Naast boekennieuws en nieuws/publicaties van leden van de Society for Armenian Studies, wordt aandacht besteed aan studieprogramma’s voor Armeens aan Columbia University en The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Melding wordt ook gemaakt van een nieuw kwartaalblad, Armenian Forum, over hedendaagse zaken. ‘Specialists will tell each other and the educated non-specialist about their research on everything from public health in Armenia to gender and cultural identity in the Diaspora.’ Informatie over dit tijdschrift is te verkrijgen bij het Gomidas Institute, 2525 Fernbank Dr., Charlotto NC 28226-0726, U.S.A. of per

De Society for Armenian Studies geeft ook een Journal uit (J.S.A.S., editor: Dennis R. Papazian, director Armenian Research Center, University of Michigan-Dearborn; ISSN 0747-9301). Onlangs verscheen vol. 8 (1995), waarin onder andere een artikel van Roberta Ervine (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): ‘The Church of the Holy Archangels in Jerusalem: comments on its history and selected inscriptions’, een review essay van Mesrob K. Krikorian (Wenen): ‘Turkish historiography and the Armenian church’, en boekrecensies.

Adres voor correspondentie of informatie: Professor Dennis R. Papazian, Armenian Research Center, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn, MI 48128-1491.

The Society for Armenian Studies publishes a Newsletter (latest issue is fall 1997, vol. 21, no. 3/48), in which mention is made of news on books, activities of members, and university programmes concerning Armenia, Armenian culture and language. The Society also publishes a Journal annually (vol. 8, 1995), edited by Professor Dennis R. Papazian, Director, Armenian Research Center, University of Michigan-Dearborn.

A new journal entitled Armenian Forum is about to appear for the first time, which will focus on contemporary affairs for specialists and non-specialists. The address for information about this quarterly journal is: Gomidas Institute, 2525 Fernbank Dr., Charlotto NC 28226-0726, U.S.A., or per e-mail: gomidas @

Byz-Niz: Berichten uit de O.B.O.-burelen


Greece in Print – 1997

The Hellenic Literature Society and the A.S. Onassis Center for Hellenic Studies with the support of many Greek American organizations, institutions and numerous individual volunteers, have announced the second major book exhibit of Greek literature and culture in New York City, “Greece in Print -1997.” The exhibit will take place on September 20 and 21, 1997, at the Greenberg Lounge of the Vanderbilt Hall Building of New York University from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The building is located at 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Discussion panels on Greek literature and culture will be held at Tishman Auditorium in the same building. The exhibit will take place concurrently, and is associated with the “New York is Book Country” cultural event organized by the city of New York. For further information and to reserve seats in the discussion panel program please call 201-666-7374.


  • Greenberg Lounge; Sep. 20 & 21, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
  • Book Exhibit of Greek Literature and culture in English and in Greek
  • Donnell Library Exhibit
  • Magna Graecia photographic exhibit
  • H.P. Kraus, Greek Book Arts from the 15th to 20th Centuries exhibit

23rd Annual Byzantine Studies Conference

Sept. 26-28, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Info.: Pat Gaitan, tel. (608) 262-6696, fax (608) 265-3163; e-mailgaitan at

Christianization In The Early Middle Ages, 400-1000

The Group for the Study of Late Antiquity and the Medieval Studies Program at Princeton are organizing the First Annual Medieval Origins Graduate Conference on Christianization In The Early Middle Ages, 400-1000 to be held at Princeton University on October 18, 1997. This one-day conference will explore aspects of late antique and medieval Christianization, from the eastern frontiers of Byzantium to northern Europe, from the destruction of the Serapeum to the conversion of Iceland. Broad themes may include:

  • the strategies and frustrations of missionaries
  • “pagan reaction” and “pagan survival”
  • the recasting of non-Christian modes of expression for Christian use
  • the influence of Christianity on rural and urban topography

Our keynote speaker will be Professor Dennis Trout of Tufts University, who will present a paper on Christianization at the shrine of Saint Felix in early fifth century Nola.

Queries can be sent to one of the following addresses:

mail: Scott G. Bruce, 207 Dickinson Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544

email:jmgaddis at

fax: 609-258-1873 c/o Medieval Studies Program


A graduate-student conference on medieval studies. November 7-8th, 1997


Sean Morris
English Department
SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-5350
smorris at

American Numismatic Society Arab-Byzantine Forum III

The third annual edition of the Society’s Forum on Arab-Byzantine numismatics will take place again this fall, on Saturday, November 15, at 10:00. At the forum, specialists in the Byzantine-style coinage issued under Arab rule in the eastern Mediterranean lands will exchange reports of their new finds and findings. As usual, the forum will be co-sponsored by the Oriental Numismatic Society.

A more formal notice will be sent out later to those known to be interested in the field, but anyone who would like to make a brief presentation to the group is invited to notify Society Curator of Islamic Coins Michael Bates. We would be delighted to hear from new contributors. Contributions on related non-numismatic historical topics are also welcome, particularly on the transition from Roman to Muslim rule in Bilad al-Sham.

The Forum will last all day. A registration fee of $20.00 will cover the cost of postage and printing, coffee, doughnuts, cookies, and an informal lunch. There is no cover charge for the entertainment!

Two-day international conference on the influence of St Ephraim the Syrian

16-18 December 1997 at School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Incl. Public lecture on 18 Dec. 1997 by Prof. Sidney Griffith (Catholic University of America):

‘Most awakening of the ancients: the universality of St Ephraim the Syrian’.

Brunei Gallery lecture theatre, S.O.A.S., 7-8.30 p.m.

Registration fee £15. (Students, old age pensioners, £10).

Info.: S.O.A.S., Thornhaught street, Russell Square, London WC1 OXG.

Tel. 0171 3236137 and 0171 3236249

e-mail: ap7 at


Hagiography Society Newsletter

Sherry Reames schrijft:

“I am pleased to announce that the Hagiography Society Newsletter, starting with the current issue [March/April 1997], is now available on the web, thanks to the kind offices of the Bollandists. The address is

The site can may also be accessed through the regular Bollandist web-site by opening the rubric “what’s new” and following the appropriate link.

The current issue of the newsletter includes [among other things] a call for papers and some additional information about a small conference we are planning for July 1998 at Ammerdown (near Downside Abbey and Bath, in England) on the topic “Sanctity and Ritual.”


Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies

Editor-in-chief: Andrew Dimarogonas, Washington Univ.

Publisher: Harwood Academic Publishers (A division of Gordon & Breach)

Aims and scope

Synopsis is an index to the scholarly publications on Greek Studies for the benefit of those who work in the field. Research and review journals, conference proceedings, books, monographs and dissertations (about 10,000 entries per year) are indexed in the areas of Classical, Hellenistic, Biblical Greek, Byzantine, Medieval and Modern Greek Studies without defining precisely their lines of separation. Author, Subject, Text, Geographical and Name indexes are included. The Journal will also publish occasionally reviews and bibliographical studies, calls for papers and announcements of scholarly conferences.

The languages of the Journal are English and Greek. Titles in other languages will be cited in the original language or translated in English. The editorial language is English. Synopsis is published concurrently in printed and searchable electronic form for PC and Mac compatible computers.

The articles indexed or published are selected only on their scholarly value and without prejudice in respect to the opinions of the authors. Reader-submitted titles for indexing are only accepted if they appear in the journals or publishers lists that are indexed by the Journal. Suggestions for the selection of the journals to be indexed should be submitted to the editorial board through the editor, the associate editors or the editorial advisory board.

Ownership and circulation

Synopsis is published by Harwood Academic Publishers. First volume (for 1992) was published in January 1997. The 1993 and 1994 volumes will be published in 1997.


Inauguration of Kypros-Net

Kypros-Net is a new Internet information resource center for Cyprus. Kypros-Net was founded by a group of volunteers and operates as a not-for profit organization. Its primary goal is to build and maintain a rich resource site of ideas and activities on Cyprus, and to make it available to the general public. Such a site offers interested groups and individuals the opportunity to learn about Cyprus as well as the means to contribute towards the promotion of Cyprus. Kypros-Net establishes an important and very dedicated center of information on Cyprus and its people, by providing publications, important documents, treaties and reports, as well as daily news on Cyprus. Kypros-Net provides mirroring sites in the USA for the Government of Cyprus World Wide Web Pages, Web Pages of other Agencies and Organizations from Cyprus or the Diaspora and also support and hosting for a variety of projects about Cyprus with regards to all aspects of Cyprus life and the Diaspora. In addition it has its own publication, the monthly Kypros-Net Newsletter “The World of Cyprus”. Please visit Kypros-Net at the following URL:

Uit: Greece in print, April 1, 1997, 1/2

John Nordin’s Greece page

John Nordin, Boulder, CO (U.S.A.) schreef:

I’ve recently put some material related to Greece up on my home page, and I invite you to take a look at it.

and please take a look at the ‘photo tour of Patmos’ under the ‘places in Greece’ option.

By this note, I’d also invite you to tell me (or remind me) about your Greek homepages, or refer me to good sources.

Byzantium in de pers

Ankara denies that Agia Sofia in Trabzon will be converted into mosque

Istanbul, 20/06/1997

Turkish culture ministry spokesman Osman Kaya told ANA yesterday that there is no question of the historic Agia Sofia Cathedral in Trabzon, currently operating as a museum, being converted into a mosque.

In a telephone interview, Mr. Kaya said the building of the cathedral belongs to a non-profit organization to which the Turkish culture ministry will deliver the building.

During the past year, the Turkish culture ministry and the Vakuf Foundation have been contesting ownership of the building in the courts. Mr. Kaya said that some objects located in the old church at present will be taken to a nearby building, the historic Kostakis home, which will henceforth operate as a museum.

Commenting on reports in the Trabzon press yesterday, expressing concern that Agia Sofia might be converted into a mosque, Mr. Kaya said “there is nothing more than what I have described to you.”

The issue is dividing Turkish public opinion and has been repeatedly raised recently after the Islamic Welfare Party headed by Necmettin Erbakan came to power.

Uit: Athens news agency bulletin (No 1216), June 20, 1997


Robert Browning

Noted scholar Browning dies Athens, 12/03/1997 (ANA)

Well-known Greek history scholar and the president of the Committee for Return of the Parthenon Marbles Robert Browning died yesterday at the age of 83.

Browning, who suffered from cancer, headed the Byzantine Studies department at the University of London for many years and was actively involved in the promotion of many of Greece’s political and cultural issues.

He had been declared an official lecturer at Athens University and had been honored on two occasions by Greece.

French director Jules Dassin, the widow of former culture minister Melina Mercouri, also expressed regret at the death of Browning, as did Culture Minister Evangelos Venizelos.

Mr. Dassin, who heads the effort for return of the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum, said Greece has lost a “loving friend.”

Uit: Athens news agency bulletin (No 1136), March 12, 1997

Alexander Kazhdan

Dumbarton Oaks announces with great sadness the sudden death of Alexander Kazhdan, on May 29, 1997. Alexander was closely associated with Dumbarton Oaks from the time of his emigration to the United States in 1979, and some of its most important projects bear his name and imprint. He was a great scholar, who dedicated his life to the study of Byzantium in all its aspects, and whose many works have influenced the field profoundly. He was also a scholar who generously shared his knowledge with his colleagues. He will be greatly missed.

Ontvangen ter redactie

Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, vol. 7 (1994).

Society for Armenian Studies, Newsletter vol. 21 (1997) no 1-2.

Quest Books, catalogue eight: the Near East and Byzantine Studies (April 1997).

Byz-Niz: Berichten uit de O.B.O.-burelen


De redactie ontving het programma van de A.A. Brediusstichting, die gevestigd is in Kasteel Hernen, 6616 AH Hernen (tel. 0487-531387). Helaas lopen de meeste programmaonderdelen tot eind december, zodat dit nummer te laat komt om ze nog te vermelden.

Twee lezingen, georganiseerd door het Department of Classics/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies van het King’s College, London:

27 januari 1997, 17:30. Seminar: Krijnnie Ciggaar (Leiden): ‘Three historical personalities, three contacts between the West & Byzantium: Theophanu, Guibert of Nogent, St. Bernard.’

6 februari 1997, 18:00: Sixth Annual Runciman Lecture: Prof. Anthony Bryer (Birmingham): ‘This is Roum country; they spoke christian here’. Who were the Byzantines?

Maart’97: The Glory of Byzantium, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Juli ’97: Treasures from Mount Athos, Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki.
1997 Spring Symposium Byzantine Studies: Desire and denial in Byzantium.

University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, 21-24 March.
Informatie: Liz James, School of European Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Tenth International Non-Slavic Languages Conference.

University of Chicago, 8-10 mei 1997. Direct hierna vindt de Conference on the Cultures of Caucasia plaats, 10-11 mei 1997.
Organisatie: Howard I. Aronson, Bill J. Darden, Victor A. Friedman, NSL-10, Dept. of Slavic Languages & Literatures, University of Chicago. 1130 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL. 60637. E-mail:
South African Conference on Patristic and Byzantine Studies

Prof. Hendrik F. Stander laat ons weten:

“The South African Society for Patristic and Byzantine Studies will hold a conference from 27-29 August 1997 in Pretoria. A considerable number of international scholars has already indicated that they would like to read a paper at this conference. The registration fee for the conference is US $30 (non-refundable) and must be received before January 31, 1997. All other information regarding the conference will only be sent to those whose registration fee has been paid. Please note that no other fees will be payable at the conference (the banquet is optional). Please make your cheque payable to the University of Pretoria and send it to myself.

You can also contact me by e-mail. Please send all your e-mail notes under the heading “S.A. Conference” (to enable me to distinguish them from junk mail).”

Prof. Hendrik F. Stander
Dept. of Ancient Languages
University of Pretoria
0002 Pretoria

De WWW pagina van het Oecumenische Patriarchaat van Constantinopel is nu online:

Verder nog interessante adressen:

(Informatie over Byzantium)

(Byzantijnse geschiedenis, kleding, etc.)

(Slavische geschiedenis)

(Russische kerkgeschiedenis)

Athens News Agency Bulletin (No 1050), November 26, 1996
Greek Press & Information Office
Ottawa, Canada
E-Mail Address:

Attempt to convert Byzantine-era cathedral into mosque creates friction within Turkey
Istanbul, 26/11/1996 (ANA – A. Kourkoulas)

An attempt by the Turkey’s directorate of charitable foundations to convert the Byzantine cathedral of Agia Sophia in the Black Sea port city of Trabzon into a mosque is causing the reaction of the Turkish ministry of culture, press reports noted yesterday. The same reports say the ministry is claiming property rights over the church, after the directorate issued instructions for its conversion. The ruling Refah party has made it clear that “does not consider this initiative necessary.”
Ontvangen ter redactie

Byzantine studies in Australia newsletter 32 (1996) oct. Met overnames uit GH 4.1
Society for Armenian Studies Newsletter: Vol. 20, no. 1 (summer 1996).
Catalogus nr. 7 van Quest Books, Harmer Hill, Millington, York YO4 2TX, UK.


Een selectie uit de fondslijst 1996 van uitgeverij Porphyrogenitus :

Monumenta Peloponnesiaca, ed. J. Chrysostomides, 1995
A collection of 320 fully annotated, unpublished documents in Latin, Italian, and Greek, drawn from the archives of Dubrovnik, Florence, Malta, Paris, Venice and the Vatican. These documents shed a new light on the political, social, and economic conditions in the Peloponnese in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. 16 plates, map, full index, select vocabulary. 704 pages, 280 x 220mm, hardback, ISBN 1 871328 06 3. Price £130.

Kathegetria: essays in honour of J.M. Hussey, ed. J. Chrysostomides, 1988
A collection of 31 articles by internationally distinguished scholars, exploring a wide range of important aspects of Byzantine history – a fitting tribute to Professor Hussey’s contribution to Byzantine studies.
Contributors include J. Darrouzes, J. Koder, H. Hunger, S. Runciman.
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The journals and letters of George Finlay, ed. J.M. Hussey, 1995
The journals and selected correspondence of the nineteenth-century Scottish scholar, traveller, and philhellene. His writings provide a vivid picture of day to day life in Greece, and will be an invaluable source to topographers, archaeologists and historians. This edition is richly illustrated with over 130 of Finlay’s own sketches. 949 pages, 240 x 165mm, hardback in two vols.
ISBN 1 871328 10 1. Price £95.

Jonathan Harris, Greek Emigres in the West 1400-1520, 1995
Most studies of emigrants from Constantinople and Greece in Western Europe in this period have focused on the scholars who contributed so much to the study of Greek during the Italian Renaissance. This original investigation reveals that they also included physicians, shipbuilders, artists, and other skilled craftsmen, and argues that the readiness of western regimes to employ them undermines traditional assumptions about Byzantium’s cultural and technological backwardness in the century before the fall of Constantinople. 282 pages, 220 x 150mm, hardback, index, full bibliography.
ISBN 1 871328 11 X. Price £45.

In voorbereiding:

The letter of the three patriarchs to the emperor Theophilus and related texts, ed. J. Chrysostomides, Ch. Dendrinos, and J.A. Munitiz
A new edition, with English translation, notes and substantive introduction on historical, literary and iconographical aspects of these texts, which belong to the second period of the iconoclast movement (813-843). An introductory essay by J. Chrysostomides offers a new assessment of the authenticity of the largest text, The Letter of the Three Patriarchs. c.300 pages, 240 x 160 mm, plates, indices, hardback. ISBN 1 871328 12 8. Price approx £65.

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